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Name : Kit Lim
Height, 178cm Weight, 74kg
Occupation : Yoga teacher, Personal Trainer, Health & Wellness advocator

Fitness should empower our wellbeing to be better in all aspects of our lives. That has been Kit's driving force in the fitness industry for over 13 years as a freelance yoga teacher, personal trainer and a health & wellness advocator.

He believes part of physical wellness encompass our daily habits, being mindful in what we fuel our body daily and how different form of fitness compliments each other well to help us be our best version.

At young age, he was shy, timid, constantly being made fun of and that has resulted in low self esteem. Over the years, through fitness, Kit found confidence to be his best version and through his job that he is now also helping others to be their best.

Kit decided to take the next step to challenge himself and step out of his comfort zone by joining Mr.Global Malaysia 2024 and hopefully to be able to make a bigger impact and inspire others as well.

#9 Lim Ewe Kit



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